Thoughts of today

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Originally from Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

Saturday, October 14, 2006

On Lincoln - Sobre Lincoln

Well, if you thought I was going to write and post some pictures about Lincoln, you were half-right. There are some comments and pictures about Lincoln, but it wasn't me who wrote and took them.

Victor, another brazilian who is also doing his Masters in Computer Science, did something that I wanted to do for some time now. To get a camera and take random, curious pictures of the city. I'll eventually do that. Meanwhile, take a look on what he has to say about Lincoln on his blog.



Software Engineering Team


Bom, se voces estavam apostando que eu fosse escrever e colocar umas fotos de Lincoln… ganharam meio ponto. Tem alguns comentarios e fotos de Lincoln, mas nao foi eu quem os fez.

Victor, outro brasileiro que tambem esta fazendo mestrado em ciencia da computacao, fez uma coisa que eu queria fazer ja ha algum tempo. Pegar uma camera e rodar pela cidade tirando fotos. Um dia eu ainda pretendo fazer isso, mas enquanto esse dia nao chega, de uma olhada nas fotos no blog dele.

Ateh mais,


Equipe de Engenharia de Software

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

On being (only) a Master's Student

In a nutshell, last five weeks were hell! Not getting enough sleep, working and studying late everyday... At the time that I was done with my SCC classes, I was already late with several assignments for my UNL classes, which ultimately took most of my time last week and it will keep taking it until tomorrow. The only reason I’m writing in my blog right now is that I just submitted a class assignment that was due at midnight (I might have sent it through before, but my watch was showing 00:02! Oh well!) and I’m not sleepy.

Anyway, I just thought I’d update this, since it’s been forever, I still have tons of things to write about from when my parents in law were here, and about sports, and ohh… I have some great news to talk about! It actually is not mine, but it relates to me as well! Stay tuned!


As much requested, here goes the portuguese version:

A pedidos, aqui vai a versao em portugues (sem acento, porque o teclado eh americano, e sem garantias que a traducao eh literal)

Sobre ser (somente) um mestrando

Resumidamente, as ultimas cinco semanas foram um inferno! Nao dormindo o suficiente, trabalhando e estudando ateh altas horas da madrugada toda a noite. Quando acabei as aulas da SCC, eu jah estava atrasado com meus trabalhos pras aulas da UNL, que acabaram me tomando todo tempo da semana passada e vai continuar tomando ateh amanha pelo menos. Ateh a unica razao de eu estar aqui escrevendo eh porque eu acabei de mandar um trabalho que era pra entregar a meia-noite e nao estou com sono, mas acho que acabei mandando uns 2 minutos passada da meia-noite. Fazer o que, neh?

Mas, de qualquer forma, estou escrevendo hoje porque faz mais de um mes que nao escrevo nada. Estou altamente atrasado com minhas novidades (que a essa altura do campeonato, de novo, nao tem mais nada.) Tenho que acabar de falar de quando meus sogros estavam por aqui, sobre esportes, e ahhhhhhhhh, tenho uma otima novidade! Na verdade nao eh minha, mas me afeta tambem! Fiquem atentos!

Um super abraco!